Sunday, June 26, 2011

Moving up from the Community Pots

I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy, and the orchids have been quietly growing. I've begun to move some of the pre-teens from their community pots to a pot of their very own. Here is one example - definitely ready to have a pot to herself:

This photo shows the community pot she came from. As each plant gets big enough, it too will move to an individual pot.

Here we have a view of the nursery. It is interesting how the plants really grow at very different rates. Clearly they are all in the same environment. Once we start getting some flowers (in a few more years!) it will be fun to see if plant growth rate has anything to do with flower appearance.

A few unrelated photos. The vinecolor Maudie is back in bloom. This plant seems to be particularly happy this year. In the past, the flower has faded much more quickly. Probably, all the humidity we've had in the North East this year has helped.

And one final pic. The Miltoniopsis is just beginning to open a few buds. It looks like I'll get some spectacular water-fall patterns from this plant.