Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time for orchids to move outside

It is warm! Time for orchids to bask in the sun. The cymbidiums spend the winter in the basement grow room. But, running 800 watts of lighting 16 hours a day is a bit pricy. So, it is high time that we took advantage of the free photons on the deck. Here is the collection. Some of the blooms are starting to fade, but overall, they still look great!

Here is a tighter shot. Can you hear them saying "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up"?

There is activity in the living room. In particular, the Paphiopedilum rothschildianum has decided to put up a spike. I also have a Paphiopedilum Maudie which has two spikes, but neither is open for viewing yet.