Thursday, August 28, 2014


This has been an amazing orchid season for me. My Paphiopedilum has gone to extreme lengths to impress. The plant has five spikes, and one of those has two flowers! There might have been another spike with two flowers, but only one flower developed properly. Still - six flowers from one plant, and all open at the same time. Amazing.

In addition, last time I repotted this plant, there was a baby that got disconnected, so I potted that plant up, and it has made a flower too. So, here are mother and daughter.

And, here is a close-up of the six flowers of the mother plant:

Not to be outdone, my white Phalaenopsis got in on the act, with roughly a dozen blooms. Since I individually carry my plants down to the basement once a week for water and fertilizer; this plant is a real handful to maneuver, without breaking the spike. But, so far I've been sufficiently gentle that no harm has come.

Here is an extreme close up of the center of the flower; while these flowers are certainly white, they have quite a bit of green in them. And from the back, they have traces of pink/purple.

Last but not least, I've finally gotten my Amboinensis to flower - it had been sulking for a while. I love this plant; it has a strong citrus fragrance, and even with its five fairly diminutive flowers, it perfumes most of the main floor of the house.

And here is a close view of one of those flowers. It has a particularly long "nose", and the petal/sepal shape is quite different from the common Phalaenopsis hybrids.

And while there are no flowers open yet, my two "Dancing Dolls" Oncidiums have each begun making one spike apiece. It will be a month or so before we have flowers from them.

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